International Exhibition on Medical, Surgical, Hospital, Diagnostic Products & Consumables


Nepal Medical Show

Only event of its kind in Nepal, bringing together the Medical & Hospital industry

Meet face-to-face with 450+ specialist suppliers representing hundreds of manufacturers from around the world

Decrease your operating costs and increase efficiencies by discovering the latest global innovations and trends

Connect with your peers and industry experts

Uniting Leaders to Tackle Healthcare's Pressing Challenges

Bringing together policy drivers, thought leaders, healthcare professionals and decision-makers in order to address healthcare’s most pressing challenges through collaboration and empowerment.

Source 450+ leading suppliers, see and test the full range of technology solutions for every phase of Medical Industry

Explore new healthcare solutions and products

You can finalise partnerships and strengthen relationships

Navigate through 9 product sectors, a few of which includes medical, surgical, hospital equipments, diagnostic products & consumables, and more

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Hello, Welcome to Nepal Medical Show (International Exhibition on Medical, Surgical, Hospital, Diagnostic Products & Consumables)
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If you have any query contact us +91-8130998383